Guest Comments
Guest House
Nova Scotia
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Guest comments
This will certainly not be the last trip to Nova Scotia. The scenery is beautiful; Halifax is so different and refreshing after
Manhattan! But best of all was the friendliness and hospitality of the people. Your guest house—Serge and Stephen—is the embodiment of that! We will be back again for sure and we know lots of New Yorkers who would find this to be a respite
from the Big Apple. Thank you so much!

For a stranger most towns have no heart:
Search the land or the meals or art
And if it pleasures you'll find, or a refreshment of mind,
But your soul feels ignored and apart.
Not so Halifax city, we see,
In the month when leaves flame in each tree.
Centretown will admit you; its offerings will fit you
With sweet touches that suit to a "T"
So dear Stephen and Serge, many thanks
For a domicile in the premier ranks,
For your thoughtful concern, and for us learn
How to fill in our Halifax blanks.
More than hosts, you have been allies and friends
As we bucked career and other trends.
We intended to come back and pursue the same track.
Our path now has strong east-facing bends.
With much affection ..........

British Columbia, Canada

Halifax is a great place. We would love to come back again. Thanks.

United States

Thanks for making me feel so much at home when I couldn't possibly be any further from it. Your hot tub is in danger of becoming notorious!


Serge and Stephen: I could not have felt more at home. Many thanks for your warm hospitality. Hope to visit again soon.

Ontario, Canada

Serge and Stephen, thank you so much for your warmth and friendliness. I will be back!


Thanks for the relaxing break from camping. Thanks for being so accommodating.


Many thanks for your hospitality and insight into Nova Scotian ways. Happily, I'll see you next week.


Thank you so much for such a warm and hospitable time—your generosity is unsurpassable. The boat ride, the dinner, your knowledge and helpfulness were wonderful.

Quebec, Canada

Thank you Serge for the hospitality. I will have to return because there was not enough time, I'm afraid! Love that Guy!


Many thanks ( loose translation)

Zurich, Switzerland

A lovely, well-appointed room, a glorious home, and a swell time had by both of us.


Thanks, Stephen and Serge. I had a great time in Halifax and really enjoyed staying at your home. Truly a pleasant experience.

Washington DC, USA

We enjoyed ourselves a lot! Many thanks!


Serge And Stephen:

Warm and welcoming people make the real difference in travelling; you are wonderful embassadors of Eastern hospitality. Too bad we couldn't stay to sample more of Serge's delicious baking. Many thanks and warmest wishes for the many guest house seasons ahead.


What a lovely place to visit—had it not been for a card I found at the Welcome Centre, I'd have missed it. Merci!

South Carolina, USA

Thanks for a wonderful time. Of all the B&B's (guest houses) I stayed at yours was the best! The hospitality and comforts were unsurpassed. I hope to make a trip back to Nova Scotia in the future and I'll stay at your place. Thanks.


The haunted house....

Centretown Guesthouse is a haunted house. Yep! It is haunted by three spirits. The first spirit is the spirit of love named "Serge." With its good care, this spirit brings you the food you need to enjoy the most out of your stay. The second spirit is the spirit of art named "Stephen" with its inspiration. This spirit fills the space with admirable paintings that you need to make good dreams at night. The third spirit is the spirit of joy and happiness named "Guy (the dog)". This spirit is very special. It makes sure you start the day with a smile on your face and that you finish it as quiet as possible ... Yep!!! I really believe in ghosts. Centretown Guesthouse is ... such a wonderful haunted house!!!

Quebec, Canada

Many thanks for helping when we missed our flight.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful old house.

Quebec, Canada


Quiet and discreet accommodations with old-fashioned Nova Scotia hospitality