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Guest House
Nova Scotia

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You have worked hard for many months to get to this time of the year, your vacation. Planning a trip to Nova Scotia can be challenging and fun. To help you with your strategies, we have provided some basic information about Halifax and the province.

The most underrated thing about Halifax is its size. The peninsula or core area is about a kilometer across and two kilometers long.Most guests say that they need three days to a week to discover the city and our slower pace of life.

The second most underrated thing is the size of the province and travelling times. We often have guests who are going to leave Halifax in the morning, do Cape Breton in the afternoon and hit Prince Edward Island or New Brunswick for supper. Well, folks, that is possible if you get going at about 2 a.m., practice your rally driving skills, stop only for fuel, eat fast food fast for lunch, and take an empty bottle along in lieu of the traditional rest stop rest room. Even then, it is impossible to do it without getting a speeding ticket and risking life and limb—yours and ours!

Arriving to Nova Scotia by ferries
Prince of Fundy Cruises operates from
Portland, Maine to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Their toll free number is
1-800-341-7540 and their web page is at

Bay Ferries operates from
Bar Harbor, Maine to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Wood Island, Prince Edward Island (PEI) to Caribou, Nova Scotia
Saint John, New Brunswick to Digby, Nova Scotia

Their toll free number is 1-800-763-5529 and their web page is at

Sample travel times follow
Yarmouth to Digby/Bear River along Highway 101—1 hour, 20 minutes

Digby to Kentville along Highway 101—1 hour, 20 minutes

Kentville to Halifax along Highway 101—1 hour, 20 minutes

Yarmouth to Shelburne along Highway 103—1 hour

Shelburne to Bridgewater along Highway 103—1 hour, 20 minutes

Bridgewater to Halifax along Highway 103—1 hour

Halifax to Truro along Highway 102—1 hour, 15 minutes

Truro to Pictou along Highway 104—50 minutes

Truro to Amherst along Highway 104—1 hour

Pictou to Antigonish along Highway 104—1 hour

Antigonish to Sydney along Highway 104/105—2 hours

Directions into Halifax are easy
If you make a mistake ask anyone for the intersection of Oxford Street and Quinpool Road. Passersby will be glad to provide you with assistance.

Air Travel
If you are travelling by air and will be exploring Halifax for a couple of days, we recommend that you pospone a car rental as Halifax is small, parking is at a premium and expensive when available, and public transit is excellent going by our door every ten to fifteen minutes.

You have options aplenty for arriving to our guesthouse.

Airport Shuttle Bus leaves the airport approximately every half hour for a cost of $12.00 one way or $20.00 round trip. Take the shuttle to the Holiday Inn Select (in Halifax not Dartmouth) You are a ten to fifteen minute walk to our door. You have two alternatives, walk or take a taxi. If walking, proceed down Pepperell Street (or walk around the hotel to Quinpool Road and turn left) past McDonald's Restaurant until you reach Oxford Street. Turn right on Oxford. We are the house next to the corner at 2016 Oxford Street.

Taxi Fare from the Holiday Inn is approximately $4.00.

Share-A-Cab cost for one person is about $19. For two people it is $24. This needs to be prearranged by calling 1-800-565-8669 with your flight arrival time. For returning to the airport they need at least four hours notice.

Casino Taxi may be reached at 429-6666 or 425-6666. From the airport to Halifax the cost is $35. From Halifax to the airport it is $37. Other companies are at a comparable rate. 

Budget 1-800 268-8900, Discount 1-800 2632355
Thrifty 1-800 367-2277, Hertz 1-800 263-0600    

Arriving in Halifax by bus
The front of the bus terminal faces Almon Street. Walking takes around 20 minutes. Turn left, out the front door, proceed through to the second set of lights and turn left onto Oxford Street. Continue through a double set of lights which are very close together. Cross over to the other side of the street and continue through two long city blocks approaching the lights at Oxford and Quinpool Road. We are at 2016 Oxford Street, the house on the right just before the corner.

Arriving in Halifax by train
It is a bit if a hike, approximately 30 to 40 minutes (if you decide to walk). Go out the front door of the train station, cross to the mini-park and turn right onto Barrington Street. Proceed past the graveyard on the left and then turn left onto Spring Garden Road.

If you are tired, take the #1 bus, fare $1.65—exact change—and get off at the corner of Oxford Street and Quinpool Road. If you are uncertain or confused, ask the driver; don't be shy—he will gladly assist you.

If walking is your preference, continue along Spring Garden which becomes Colberg Road and passes the University (on the left). Turn right onto Oxford Street and proceed to our house at 2016 Oxford Street. (Ask for a juice, pop or a cold beer—depending on availability—when you arrive; you'll need it!)

From the train station taxi fare is approximately $5.00.

Directions for entering Halifax via Highway 101
If you find yourself along Highway 101, drive up through the Annapolis Valley past Sackville and take exit to 1G which is Highway 102 South to Halifax. Continue without taking any exits following the sign Bayer's Raod/Dartmouth onto the down ramp which enters Halifax. Bayers Road winds along going uphill and eventually comes to a 4-way stop sign at the corner of Bayers Road and Oxford Street. Turn right at the stop sign and proceed through a single set of traffic lights and a double set (very close together). Continue through two long city blocks approaching the lights at Oxford and Quinpool Road.

We are at 2016 Oxford Street, the house on the right just before the corner. There is ample on street parking available if you continue through the lights and make an immediate right onto Pepperell Street.

Directions for entering Halifax via Highway 102
Continue past the Airport exit heading towards Halifax. Continue past a long lake on the left as you approach a fork in the road. Keep in the right hand lane and to the right of the fork. Continue without taking any exits following the sign Bayers Road/Dartmough onto the down ramp which enters Halifax. Bayers Road winds along going uphill and eventually comes to a 4-way stop sign at the corner of Bayers Road and Oxford Street. Turn right at the stop sign and proceed through a single set of traffic lights and a double set (very close together). Continue through two long city blocks approaching the lights at Oxford and Quinpool Road.

We are at 2016 Oxford Street, the house on the right just before the corner. There is ample on street parking available if you continue through the lights and make an immediate right onto Pepperell Street.

Directions for entering Halifax via Highway 103
Take exit 1A onto the 102 heading towards Halifax. Continue without taking any exits following the sign Bayers Road/Dartmouth onto the down ramp which enters Halifax. Bayers Road winds along going uphill and eventually comes to a 4-way stop sign at the corner of Bayers Road and Oxford Street. Turn right at the stop sign and proceed through a single set of traffic lights and a double set (very close together). Continue through two long city blocks approaching the lights at Oxford and Quinpool Road.

We are at 2016 Oxford Street, the house on the right just before the corner. There is ample on street parking available if you continue through the lights and make an immediate right onto Pepperell Street.  

Directions for entering Halifax via Highway 107
Continue through Dartmouth on Main Street. You will go down a long hill past the (McDonald's Restaurant on the left). Keep in the left hand lane as you proceed up the hill to the lights. Continue through. You will find that the107 merges with the 111 as you go down the other side. The 111 is a multi-lane highway.

Continue through to the bridge with 75 cents for the toll. (It takes three quarters (Canadian or American.) If you don't have change, keep in the right hand lanes for a booth that provides change (Canadian dollars only). Keep in the right hand lane going across the bridge and to the right hand side of the fork which goes up a slight incline. Slow down and keep to your extreme right which takes you to the Robie Street exit.

Continue through one set of lights, past Piercey's Building Supplies and then turn right at the next light, which is the corner of Robie and Almon. Continue through one set of lights and turn left at the next set which is the corner of Almon and Oxford. Continue through a double set of lights which are very close together. Continue through two long city blocks approaching the lights at Oxford and Quinpool Road.

We are at 2016 Oxford Street, the house on the right just before the corner. There is ample on street parking available if you continue through the lights and make an immediate right onto Pepperell Street.


Quiet and discreet accommodations with old-fashioned
Nova Scotia hospitality